CITIES 2017_Call for Papers
CITIES 2017_Call for Papers
  • Dear Participants,

    The CITIES 2017 IOP Proceeding can be seen using this Link

    Best regards,

  • Dear Participants,

    This is the review results of the paper in this linkplease find your codepaper_nameinitial_papertitle.

    Please do remember if you didn’t send the abstract you have codepaper 00. And if you didn’t find your paper, you didn’t have to be panic because it mean our reviewer hasn’t finished the review. This due to our engagement with international reviewer as a requirement for international conferences.

    We might be still running review after the cities completed.

    Best regards,

  • Authors are invited to submit their papers with the following topics (but not limited to);

    1. Peri-Urban Landuse Change

    –        Computer modelling

    –        Decision support systems

    –        Remote sensing

    –        Geographic information systems


    1. Sustainable Challenges in Peri-Urban

    –        Water resources and watershed management

    –        Urban agriculture and food security

    –        Sustainable development of peri-urban resources

    –        Waterfront renovation


    1. Peri-Urban Development

    –        Spatial planning

    –        Participatory planning

    –        Infrastructure development

    –        Housing development

    –        Disaster management and resiliency

    –        Socio-economic and cultural aspects

    –        Concept, legal, policy and institutional challenges

  • 27 July                   : Open for Abstract or Full Paper Submission

    18 August            : Deadline for Abstract Submission

    25 August            : Notification for Abstract Acceptance

    20 September      : Deadline for Full Paper Submission

    2    October           : Notification for Full Paper Acceptance

    6   October           : Payment Deadline for Participant/Presenter

    18 October           : CITIES 2017 Conference

  • Authors may submit the full paper directly. However, to ensure that the full paper is inline with CITIES 2017 topics, Abstract submission beforehand is encouraged.

    Abstract must be written in English, between 50 – 100 words. Please use Microsoft Word file (*.doc OR *.docx) in an A4 page layout.

    Paper must be written in English, with maximum 8 pages allowed. The format for full paper submission can be downloaded [Here].

    Please submit your Abstract/Full paper using this [Link].

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Contact Us:

English or Indonesian call :
+6289676166662 (Vely)
+6281259115809 (Umi)
Email :

Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia