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+6289676166662 (Vely)
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Email : citiesconference@gmail.com

Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia





CITIES 2015 Workshops



WORKSHOP 1 – Participatory Planning Application In Corporate Social Responsibility
chair : Karina Pradinie., T., ST., M.Eng.
City planning laboratory – DURP

Description This workshop aimed to provide-Basic participatory planning in capacity of Local Government and company. It also accompanied by sharing of experiences from government and NGOs to manage CSR fund.
Goals Provides insight into CSR management towards achieving proper participatory in green / gold companies.
Facilities Handouts
Participant Local

WORKSHOP 2 – The GIS-based process of land use plan mapping for Spatial Planning
chair : Surya Hadi Kusuma, ST.MT.
Regional Planning of Laboratory – DURP

Description Provide training related to the process / mechanism of making (mapping) plan space patterns, ranging from data input process, stages of data analysis, data analysis output in the form of landing space patterns, and the final plan for the spatial pattern of the planning period, based on RI Public of Works Law No. 26 of 2007, with the help of Geographic Information Systems.
Goals Knowing the process of data input and is able to run the analysis in the planning process spatial pattern with the help of software Geographic Information Systems (GIS), capable to make the mapping in planning spatial pattern based on spatial pattern plan directives, and capable to create a product planning (Spatial Plan) in accordance with applicable regulations.
Facilities Handouts, Dataset, ArcGIS 10.2.2 Trial (60-days)
Participant Local
Requirements Basic knowledge of ArcGIS

WORKSHOP 3 – Decision Support System
chair : Cahyono Susteyo, ST., M.Sc.
Computing and Modeling Laboratory – DURP

Description This workshop explains and demonstrates available methods and techniques that can be used by planners and decision makers to solve decision making problems in planning process.
Goals Participants will be able to use state-of-the-art tools in planning and decision making.
Facilities Handouts, Dataset for decision making problems
Participant Local
Requirements Each participant must bring his/her own laptop, with Windows 7 or above installed.

WORKSHOP 4 – Spatial landuse modeling and simulation
chair : Nursakti Adhi Pratomoatmojo, ST., M.Sc.
Computing and Modeling Laboratory – DURP

Description This workshop demonstrate the mechanism in order to predict land use change through spatial modeling by means of Cellular Automata and Geographic Information System.
Goals Participants able to make model and predict the urban growth or land use change Facilities Handouts, Dataset, ArcGIS 10.2.2 Trial (60-days) and LanduseSim Trial (120-days)
Participant Local (International by request)
Requirements Understand about GIS basic knowledge and each participant must bring his/her own laptop, with Windows 7 or above installed.




Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP)