Indonesia is a developing country with one of its problems, namely the high population growth. Currently, Indonesia is in fourth position with the highest population in the world, which is around 273 million people. The high population in Indonesia is caused by rapid population growth. The high birth rate and decreased death rate are the causes of population growth in Indonesia. Population growth in Indonesia is estimated at 1-1.5% per year. The increasing population growth must of course be balanced with the provision of proper basic services.

Provision of adequate infrastructure has an important role in overcoming rapid population growth. With the rapid population growth, it is important to ensure that people have adequate access to basic services such as clean water, sanitation, electricity and health services. This will help meet basic needs and improve the quality of life of the population. Rapid population growth will result in population density. Therefore, infrastructure is also useful for serving high population mobility by providing good transportation infrastructure. Provision of good infrastructure is certainly useful to support sustainable development.

Provision of Infrastructure for sustainable development includes infrastructure planning and development that considers economic, social and environmental aspects with the aim of achieving inclusive and sustainable growth. This will help create a more prosperous society and align economic growth with environmental sustainability. Therefore we need a system to support the provision of sustainable infrastructure. One of the systems that can be used is the use of intelligent infrastructure.

The concept of smart infrastructure, which is also known as “smart infrastructure,” refers to the use of technology and innovation to improve efficiency, sustainability, security, and convenience in building and managing infrastructure. The goal of smart infrastructure is to make optimal use of the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) and data to create smarter, connected and environmentally friendly infrastructure. Utilization of smart infrastructure can contribute to improving the quality of life of residents and help create cities and regions that are more sustainable. sustainable and comfortable place to live.

By holding the Planopolis 2023 Competition, it is hoped that the younger generation will begin to realize the importance of using smart infrastructure to support sustainable development. In addition, it is hoped that the younger generation will be aware of the importance of planning a city with various innovations in utilizing energy and technology to meet all of society’s needs for now and in the future.

Introduction of the Event

Planopolis 2023 is an event organized by the November 10 November Institute of Technology planning student association for Indonesian students which aims to accommodate students’ creative ideas related to urban planning. Planopolis 2023 is a sub-event of the cities conference 2023. In Planopolis 2023 there are two competitions, namely city design and posters. City design is a 3d animation design competition for an area using certain tools. The city design competition was divided into two stages of selection, namely the abstract selection and the grand final. While the poster competition is a competition with the output of an infographic poster with a predetermined theme. The selection for the poster competition went straight to the grand final selection.


The theme of the activities in Planopolis 2023 is “Smart Infrastructure for Sustainable Development”. The reason for taking this theme is population growth in Indonesia which continues to increase every year. The increase in population has an impact on the need for quite a lot of infrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary to have an intelligent infrastructure system that can support sustainable development by looking at the economic, social and environmental aspects. The theme will be divided into three sub-themes, namely:

  • Integrated Sustainability for Transportation Infrastructure Development
  • Green infrastructure for resilience urban climate change
  • Designing smart infrastructure to Advance Regional Economic Potential

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Rules of Competition


Posters are made according to a predetermined theme, namely “Smart Infrastructure for Sustainable Development”. The sub-theme options are as follows:

  1. Integrated Sustainability for Transportation Infrastructure Development
  2. Green Infrastructure for Resilience Urban Climate Change
  3. Designing Smart Infrastructure to Advance Regional Economic Potential
  • Posters must be rational and original (their own creative ideas, not the result of plagiarism).
  • Posters submitted are posters that have never been published or contested before, as evidenced by a statement of the authenticity of the work.
  • The poster does not contain elements that offend SARA, is not provocative, does not involve political elements, and does not offend any party.
  • If in the future there is a copyright lawsuit, the committee is not responsible for this. The committee will assume that all poster designs submitted are the participant’s original work.

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Design City

The City Design Concept is made according to the theme “Smart Infrastructure for Sustainable Development” with the following sub-theme choices.

  1. Integrated Sustainability for Transportation Infrastructure Development
  2. Green infrastructure for resilience to urban climate change
  3. Designing smart infrastructure to Advance Regional Economic Potential

All participants in the City Design competition make an abstraction of the Background on the issue of City Design with the following conditions.

  • Background Abstraction Terms per zone with images
  1. An abstract in the form of a paper containing:
  • Using the paper template on the following link *insert link
  • General conceptual background
  • A description per zone that includes a minimum of 2 images per zone
  • Bibliography based on the sources used
  1. Writing Format:
  • A4 paper size
  • Margins (right, left, top, bottom) 3, 3, 3, 3
  • Text provisions
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Title: size 14, bold
  • Text: size 12
  • The title has a maximum of 15 words
  • Spacing 1.15, add space before & after
  • Paragraphs are centered for titles and subtitles, justified for the contents
  1. There is no minimum & maximum limit for the number of pages
  2. Files are collected in pdf format. with the naming format: Abstraction_Team Name_Title.pdf
  3. Background abstraction documents must be submitted no later than 10 September 2023, via Link
  • Visualization of the Urban Design design must meet the following conditions
  1. Urban Design Design can be made using 3D modeling drawing design application programs owned by participants, such as SketchUp, Softplan, and so on.
  2. Planning elements must be made with a scale size of 1: 1000
  3. Required to design an area with a minimum planning land area of 2 ha and a maximum of 10 ha
  • Provisions for City Design Selection Flow

1st Stage (Abstract Submission)

All registrants for the 2023 City Design Competition, hereinafter referred to as City Design Competition Participants, took part in the Selection Phase I of the City Design Competition in the form of collecting background abstract documents for raising issues brought to the City Design Competition according to the provisions specified.

2nd Stage (Final Submission/Presentation Day)

Teams that pass to the next stage are required to attend a Technical Meeting and submit a City Design Video design. The city design video mechanism will be explained at the technical meeting.

3th Stage (Final Submission/Presentation Day)

Teams that pass to the next stage are required to attend Technical Meeting 2.0 and will submit PPT presentation files as well as make presentations on Urban Design designs. The technical presentation and PPT will be explained during the Technical Meeting 2.0.

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Download this competition guidebook

Download a statement of authenticity of the work

Participants are required to follow Cities & Planopolis Instagram accounts

Participants are required to pay a registration fee of IDR 50,000.000 to account number 1440023564096 an Aulia Balqis Sukma (Mandiri)

After making the payment, upload proof of payment in the link listed on the cities website. Proof of payment is named in the format: (lomba yang diikuti)_BuktiPembayaran_NamaTim

After fulfilling the registration requirements, participants will receive a notification via email a maximum of 2×24 hours

Participants must submit works via the link Poster before 9 October 2023

Design City

Download this competition guidebook

Download a statement of authenticity of the work

Download City Design Abstraction Template

Participants are required to follow Cities & Planopolis Instagram accounts

Participants are required to pay a registration fee of IDR 100,000.000 to account number 1440023564096 an Aulia Balqis Sukma (Mandiri)

After fulfilling the registration requirements, participants will receive a notification via email a maximum of 2×24 hours

Participants must submit works via the link Poster before 11 September 2023



  • Registration: 15 August – 14 September 2023
  • Technical meeting : 17 September 2023
  • Submission of works: October 8, 2023
  • Announcement: October 26, 2023

Design City

  • Registration: 15 August – 1 September 2023
  • Abstract collection: 10 September 2023
  • Announcement of Passing Stage 1: 16 September 2023
  • Technical Meeting : 17 September 2023
  • 3D Animation Video Collection : October 8, 2023
  • Announcement of Passing Stage 2: October 14, 2023
  • Technical Meeting 2 : 15 October 2023
  • PPT submission: October 24, 2023
  • Presentation & Announcement of Winners : 26 October 2023

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