CITIES is an annual event hosted by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. Ever since the first time it was held in 2005, CITIES has covered a broad range of topics on the spatial sciences:
2005: Innovations in Spatial Planning Practices for Development and Decentralization.
2008: In Search of Integration: Between Planning and Spatial Programming.
2009: Towards Sustainable, Competitive, and Autonomous Spatial Planning.
2010: Facing the Future: Innovations in Planning Research and Practices.
2011: Spatial Planning Research Agenda for Sustainable and Just Urban and Regional Development.
2012: Facing Global Challenges in The Future Urban Sphere.
2013: Resilient Cities: Beyond mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery
2014: Eco City, Utopia or Reality ?
This year, CITIES aims to explore the theme ‘Intelligent Planning Towards Smart City’. Intelligent planning is a challenge to urban planning and all disciplines involved in general. Urban Planning and Management in most developing countries are still facing many challenges to overcome. Recent developments in computer and information technology actually provide planners with the opportunity to improve planning processes. However, despite of the rapid development of computer technology in term of computing power and available applications, planners never fully utilized the diversity of methods, techniques, and models available in computer systems in planning and decision making practices. One of those challenges is how to improve the planning process by embracing recent developments in intelligent ways. In here, Intelligent ways cover multi aspect such as the use of innovation in technology, computers, practices, concepts and theories. These way is esential to ensure enhancement on the planning processes for welcoming era of Smart City.
The term ‘intelligent planning’ encompasses the planning process and interventions in order to support planning. In this case, we ask: How can planners contribute to creating and improving the spatial planning mechanism by means of technology, computers, softwares, concepts and theories ? How can government improving the public participation in this digital era? How can scientist participate to developing new approach as well as disseminate their findings in scope of intelligent planning and Smart City ?
In this CITIES 2015 event, we want to promote that intelligent planning is indispensable for the development of the existing planning mechanisms, particularly in developing countries. We expect a lot of ideas and dissemination of findings that drive changes in the conventional planning process to be a breakthrough of a concept and the latest technology. Additionally, CITIES want to capture the potential of papers, establish communication and cooperation opportunities related to the themes and topics there are and can be a place of information exchange among participants across countries.
The theme of the seminar is broken down into, but not limited to the following sub-themes:
• Spatial Modeling and Analysis
• Spatial Analytics and visualization
• Decision Support System for planning
• Innovation in Housing planning and provision
• Smart approach to disaster
• Smart Community Planning
• Intelligent Urban Design Solution
• Innovative Tourism Planning
Dr.(h.c.) Tri Rismaharini, Mayor of Surabaya City, Indonesia <LINK>
Expertise in Urban and Policy Management (Surabaya Smart City)
Associate Prof. Sarah Bekessy, RMIT University <LINK>
Leader – CEED (Center of Excellence for Environmental Decisions)
Expertise in Environmental Modeling
Prof. Ahmad Nazri Muhamad Ludin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia <LINK>
Leader – Geo-spatial Research and Spatial Planning (GRiSP)
Expertise in GIS and Spatial Analysis
Prof. Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Computing and Dynamic Laboratory, Faculty Industry – ITS
Expertise in Dynamic Models
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